Monday, August 13, 2007

wow to think

that only two years ago i was just starting high school. Today i registered as a Junior. So it's official I Rachel Hudson am a it just doesn't seem possible. I mean I'm also going to be turning 17 this January. Pyro is already 17 John is 17 next month Nick is 17 this December. And those are just the people that i can think of off the top of my head. I'm growing up my friends are growing up. Next year is our last year of high school. and we will all go our separate ways. hopefully to see each other once in awhile....hopefully. I just can't believe it life is traveling faster than ever before right when i don't really want it to. it's gonna take some time to adjust to growing up i guess. i mean every birthday and new school year I'm thrown into this same speech but every year it gets a little more meaningful to me. Oh well most of my friends are probably going to join the military next summer. so this last one was pretty nice. school starts in 14 days. still time to have fun right? unless my homework gets in the way heh. oh well it's been a busy day. night.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007


I'm craving music resently. Give me anything you got. seriously. i will take anything right now maybe even country if it's good enough. so yeah just give me comments with music titles and their artist thank you.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

well time for a change

Sophomore year is over. This summer I have a job. Next year is the year that will count towards the rest of my life. Am I ready? No. Not even close. This year went by fast. Too fast. I was having the time of my life and wasn't ready for it to end. I've learned so much this year and none of it in the class room. You guys have taught me all of it. About myself about others even about y'all. Freshman year may have been the easiest but this year i think was the best so far. Two more years guys. And no more cafeteria. No more creek. No more complaining about bullshit teacher to people you have known your entire high school careers. Well well all be going to different places. Maybe never seeing each other again till our tenth high school reunion. Some of us maybe not even then. We won't have time for the Internet. Or IM. But for now lets just slow down for the summer and those of us with jobs just keep our mind off school for a little while. And pyro relax before the end of the summer you'll know what to do by then -hugs-. Come on guys two more years then this will all just be really happy memories. I love you all soooo much. Can't wait to see you guys over the summer and next year to see how y'all have changed. -hugs- night guys and I'll update this over summer i promise.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

so yea

sophomore year is drawing to a close. it has been one crazy fucked up year. filled with more ups and downs then i could think possible for just one year of high school. so much drama. so many adventures. Gah i could sit here and reminisce all day about this year and the kind of shit we have all done. but that would take too long and i don't have all night to sit and right. in a few weeks most of us will be done with our sophomore year and guess what that means guys we are going to be Juniors. we will finally have seniority (juniority technically) they say next year is supposed to be the hardest year for work and homework of our high school career who is ready for that? then after next year is over someone us will be doing the military summer program won't that be fun? no one knows what kind of stuff is going to hit us all next year. but we are all gonna get through it just fine. it might be hard and we might think we aren't able to make it but just think we have each other what more do we need? no matter what happens I always want you guys with me. you guys are my back bone and have helped me through so much this year. I love you all so much and thanks for being there. well that's all i can think of to say right now. if you want to reminisce with me send a comment my way we can make a party out of it -wink-

Monday, March 19, 2007


spring break was amazing. relaxing care free. I actually had a really nice time i enjoyed the time off. but I'm glad to be back at school i sorta like the hustle and bustle and actually getting to see my friends. Yea a lot to talk about as to what went on during break but guys if you really wanna know just ask me OK?

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

so yep springbreak

Has been pretty good. Got to taste my first achohaul that wasn't just a sip of it. Went to the mall with my dad yesterday. Say Wild Hogs (the movie) now I'm just waiting to do something with my friends since my mom will actually let me unlike my dad. So yea call me up most of you know my new number by now and if you don't it's 817-716-3951 call me and we'll go do something k?
Support JKR's battle against eBay!

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

yay for good days for once

Nothing went bad today. I mean something probably did but I can't think of it it was just an over all really really good day. Made me very happy. So yea we got teh gold star w00t. Axel, Nick, and Renny came to church wit hme tonight. We had some fun. So yea only two more days in this week and then We have spring break does that not just totally kick ASS? oh well not much else to say I love you all night.

Sunday, March 4, 2007


Well I got moved out. My mom and me are all settled in for the most part. Dad isn't too happy. We still are getting used to it but of course today is our first full day here. Monday is school and work and having to juggle getting too and from on time. We are even gonna start walking around the neighborhood. This is a fresh start or at least a time away. Well gtg ttyl bye.

Friday, March 2, 2007

Well so much for a happily ever after.....

Hm. Let's see what's going on in my life as of right now.( I know y'all don't really wanna know but eh I feel like just saying everything going on maybe it will help me concentrate?) I'm moving out of my house tomorrow, I should be cleaning my room and packing up right now, There is a screaming and unhappy baby in the next room (that my mom is baby sitting) I don't know how my dad is going to react to us leaving, I'm either already sick or getting there, My body is deciding to disagree with me, formal inspection is going to suck, I can't wait for military ball, rent and wicked are coming up, my friends are amazing, my friends have mental problems, my friends are the best thing that has ever happened to me,and lots and lots of thinking thrown in there...YAY! well that's about it bye.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

ah so much fun

So yesterday. I helped host a R.O.T.C. competition. (most of y'all helped too actually) It was so much fun. I pretty much sat in the guard shack with my friends and hung out. When we weren't working or dealing with idiots that is. It was so much fun I swear. So not much else to say about that. I think I'm getting sick though it really sucks. -sigh- oh well bye.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

well let's see....

Since I turned 16 my little world of mine has shifted...somehow. It was fine that week then the next week was Little Women. And then apparently things changed. I mean i guess I noticed it a little but not much. Everyone started saying it at once it was really weird. And I mean the week after that was just plain shitty barely anything good happened. Same with the first three days of last week. Well except after school the entire week. The school day would be horrible unbearable even then I would go out to that little creak with my friends and everything melted away. And anyone reading this clearly knows what I'm talking about. Too bad that it's been too fucking cold to enjoy it and will be for at least a while longer. Thanks to everyone that helped me through those weeks (you know who you are) and I apologies for being bitchy, not all there, depressed, depressing, not able to help, maybe didn't listen to your problems like i should have, self absorbed, selfish, and maybe even a little condescending in there. I am truly sorry. I just hope the next week coming is going to be better (and warmer) so remember y'all dress warm don't get sick (please) and if you do don't come to school so we don't have to get sick either ;). I love y'all and will talk to you guys later bye.

Sunday, January 14, 2007



Sunday, January 7, 2007

Hey Guys guess what!

My birthday is in exactly 7 days. -squee- I'll be able to get a job and finally get some money hopefully I'll be able to help my mom out with our expenses plus with the money I can save up for college and everything. Being 16 is going to open so many doors! So yep it's gonna rock!

Tuesday, January 2, 2007

I'm so happy right now

I found the song I have been singing all day. I couldn't find it and thanks to John I did so THANKS JOHN! I also got the head phones I have been raving about for weeks on end. They work great! and I got a Thumper plushy doll. It's adorable. Had fun today. Got my cellphone back. So I apologise to anyone that has called me because I haven't had my cell since Saturday so SORRY. Can't wait to go back to school I miss you all so much! Well I have nothing else to talk about so I'll just talk to you all later bye!

Monday, January 1, 2007


So yea I am so tired. I stayed up till 5 then woke up at 11 and spent the entire day at my grandparents spending time with my Japanese friends who came to stay with us for the week. Had lots of fun got to watch Inuyasha. I'm going back tomorrow then we are taking them to Grapvine Mills mall after my mom gets home from work. tis gonna be awesome well I gtg ttyl bye!